Who says power shift says positioning of China and positioning towards China. What attitude should we adopt with respect to this economic adversary with considerable growth objectives and ever-increasing leadership aspirations? How should we deal with a trading partner that is continuously challenging our key values and core political and security interests? This publication tries to provide some answers to these questions and will hopefully enrich our mutual understanding of the power shift trend.

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Ligne de recherche : Indo-Pacifique

(Disponible uniquement en anglais)

Focus Paper hors série

Systemic Rival, Economic Competitor, and Negotiating Partner?

Pieter Balcaen, Alain De Neve, Cind Du Bois, Nicolas Gosset, Jonathan Holslag, Kimberly Orinx, Luk Sanders (ed.), Tanguy Struye de Swielande
Preface by Admiral M. Hofman, Chief of Defence