The division of the Korean Peninsula into two states, that is the Republic of Korea (ROK) in the south and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the north, is one of the most iconic remains from the geopolitical landscape of the Cold War. It is, however, not a fossil from a bygone era. On the contrary, since the 1990s, and even more so since the recent flare-up that has progressively been urging the world into a new age, the Korean situation has drastically evolved and both states have even adapted their policies and capacities to the most recent international developments. Beyond inter-Korean affairs, every development on the Korean Peninsula affects not only Eastern Asia, but also much more distant theatres, such as the war in Ukraine. Albeit at various degrees, the ROK and DPRK are more than ever influential players on their peninsula and have gained importance in the regional periphery as well as on distant continents. By consequence, European powers are increasingly concerned about Korean issues – although to a much lesser extent than Asian countries, leading to different approaches.
What are the most significant developments of the Korean situation? What could be their potential consequences? How can the United Nations Command (UNC) contribute to dealing with related crises? How does China, which borders the Korean Peninsula, influence the security situation and what is its position on the UNC? What can we learn from dissecting China’s Korean strategy?
In order to provide an up to date answer to these questions, we will have the pleasure to welcome Lieutenant General Andrew HARRISON (British Army), UNC deputy commander, and Professor Dr Bart DESSEIN, expert on China and Korea at Egmont – The Royal Institute for International Relations in Brussels.
Evening conference
UNC Watch and the Impact of
the Two Koreas on Regional Security
Lieutenant General Andrew HARRISON
Professor Dr Bart DESSEIN
Moderator: Xavier BARA
Language: English
Simultaneous interpretation in Dutch and French
18 September 2023, 18:00 – 19:30
> 17:30 – Registration
> 18:00 – Conference
> 19:30 – Reception
Campus Renaissance
Rue Hobbema, 8
1000 Brussels