The predominant view on women in conflict areas is based to a large extent on their high risk of falling victim to violence. Yet, evidence suggests that women also hold the key to the success of sustainable peacebuilding efforts. That’s why, in the last decades, the role of Women, Peace and Security (WPS) has featured high on the political agenda. In the year 2000, UN resolution 1325 highlighted “the importance of [women’s] equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security”. This spurred several countries to adopt a feminist foreign policy (FFP). In 2014, Sweden pioneered this effort and, in the years since, Canada, France and Mexico also adopted some form of official feminist foreign policy. In 2020, the European Parliament called on all EU Member States to develop an FFP and to integrate gender equality “into all EU policies, both internal and external”. The European Commission, for its part, drew up a Gender Action Plan.
Confronted with increasing instability and flaring geopolitical competition in the Sahel and North Africa, we need to assess the current state of play of WPS in Africa. What has been done, and what is still to be done? Which lessons can we draw from previous experiences?
In order to consider the contemporary situation for women engaged in peacebuilding efforts in Mali and to scrutinise the inclusion of women in the EU’s military missions and operations, we will have the pleasure to welcome Mrs Fatima Maiga, executive director of consulting firm ESEN (Énergie, Santé et Environnement) based in Bamako, and Mr Alexander Shoebridge, head of Peace Process Support at the think tank Inclusive Peace based in Geneva.
Research lines: Middle East and North Africa;
Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa
Source image: © UN Women/Ryan Brown

Evening conference
Women’s role in peace processes
on the African continent
Conference videos:
Mrs Fatima MAIGA
Moderator: Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN
Language: English and French
Simultaneous interpretation in English, Dutch and French
22 June 2023, 17:00 – 18:30
> 16:30 – Registration
> 17:00 – Conference
> 18:30 – Reception
Campus Renaissance
Rue Hobbema, 8
1000 Brussels