Researcher of the Centre for Security and Defence Studies
Security and defence architecture ; Transatlantic relations ; Belgium ; Europe

Simon Van Hoeymissen has a multidisciplinary background: in 2012, he obtained his master’s degree in criminology from the KU Leuven and, in 2013, he graduated from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) in political science. In both disciplines, he specialised in international security matters, with a specific focus on EU-Russian dynamics.
After graduating, he worked in the private sector, both abroad and at home, which enabled him to become acquainted with the world of think tanks and to develop the necessary language skills (English, Dutch, French, German and Danish). Since 2020, he has been part of think tank Eleni.
In September 2020, he embarked on his platoon commander training at the Belgian Defence. At the end of 2021, he returned to civilian life and attended a policy innovation training course at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Following the Russian invasion in Ukraine, he worked during four months in an emergency village for Ukrainian refugees in Belgium until he rejoined Defence in January 2023 as a researcher at the Centre for Security and Defence Studies (CSDS).
Van Hoeymissen, Simon. “The Importance of Natural Gas Trade for the War in Ukraine.” e-note 63 (Koninklijk Hoger Instituut voor Defensie), 6 september 2024. https://www.defence-institute.be/en/publications-2/e-note/e-note-63/.
Van Hoeymissen, Simon. “Waarom een Russische aanval op een Baltisch land het voortbestaan van België in gevaar zou brengen.” Knack, 19 augustus 2024. https://www.knack.be/nieuws/wereld/europa/waarom-een-russische-aanval-op-een-baltisch-land-het-voortbestaan-van-belgie-in-gevaar-zou-brengen/.
Van Hoeymissen, Simon. “Dual Use and Military Mobility Seminar Report: Fast-tracking Military Mobility.” e-note 57 (Koninklijk Hoger Instituut voor Defensie), 26 april 2024. https://www.defence-institute.be/en/publications-2/e-note/e-note-57/.
Van Hoeymissen, Simon. “Meer investeringen voor Defensie, dat moet het kernthema van de verkiezingen zijn.” Knack, 22 januari 2024.
Van Hoeymissen, Simon. “Interinstitutionele samenwerking als aandrijver van een verbeterde militaire mobiliteit in Europa.” e-Note 51 (Koninklijk Hoger Instituut voor Defensie), 20 september 2023. https://www.defence-institute.be/en/publications-2/e-note/e-note-51/
Van Hoeymissen, Simon. “Zowel voor Rusland, de EU als de NAVO spelen er zaken die Oekraïne overstijgen.” Knack, 15 februari 2022. https://www.knack.be/nieuws/wereld/zowel-voor-rusland-de-eu-als-de-navo-spelen-er-zaken-die-oekraine-overstijgen/.
Van Hoeymissen, Simon. “Securitizing the EU-Russia Gas Trade: The Impact of Crises on Energy Policy.” Master’s thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2013.