The research line “Europe” deals with security and defence issues related to Europe in a broad sense. The CSDS pays a particular attention to the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy by studying e.g. the development of military capabilities and the deployment of external missions. The CSDS is also interested in the role of the European Union and European states in contemporary conflicts or in dealing with major powers.

Researchers: André DUMOULIN ; Alain DE NEVE ; Estelle HOORICKX ; Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN

The Importance of Natural Gas Trade for the War in Ukraine

Enhancing Maritime Security at the Edges of Europe – Seminar Report
Captain Xavier BARA, Alain DE NEVE

Securing the Future in the Age of Cyber and Cognitive Warfare

Related publications:

The Importance of Natural Gas Trade for the War in Ukraine, Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN, e-note 63, 6 September 2024

Enhancing Maritime Security at the Edges of Europe – Seminar Report, Captain Xavier BARA, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 62, 25 June 2024

Dual Use and Military Mobility Seminar Report: Fast-tracking Military Mobility, Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN, e-note 57, 26 April 2024

Hybrid Threats: What are the Challenges for our Democracies, Estelle HOORICKX, e-note 54, 26 January 2024

Interinstitutionele samenwerking als aandrijver van een verbeterde militaire mobiliteit in Europa, Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN, e-Note 51, 20 September 2023

Du Service d’utilité collective à la défense totale, André DUMOULIN, e-note 50, 4 September 2023

La cyberguerre en Ukraine : quelques enseignements pour l’OTAN et l’UE, Estelle HOORICKX, e-note 49, 10 July 2023

Les armées face aux changements climatiques : état des lieux et défis à relever pour la Défense belge, Estelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 153, June 2023

La clause d’assistance mutuelle du Traité sur l’Union européenne (article 42§7 TUE) permet-elle de répondre adéquatement aux nouvelles menaces?, Estelle HOORICKX, e-note 40, 11 May 2022

Surenchère nucléaire et élucubrations médiatiques, André DUMOULIN, e-Note 39, 20 April 2022

« Cinquante nuances d’Ukraine 2022 » Perspectives après plus d’un mois de guerre, Nicolas GOSSET, Focus Paper 43, April 2022

La lutte euro-atlantique contre la désinformation : état des lieux et défis à relever pour la Belgique, Estelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 150, October 2021

SCAF : un condensé des vicissitudes européennes?Alain DE NEVE, e-Note 27, 7 October 2019

L’implication de la Belgique dans la cyberstratégie euro-atlantique : état des lieux et défis à releverEstelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 139, February 2019

L’Eurocorps : socle d’une défense européenne intégrée ?André DUMOULIN, Security & Strategy 136, April 2018

L’initiative européenne d’intervention. Enjeux et supportsAndré DUMOULIN, e-Note 25, 2 March 2018

De Europese betrokkenheid in de evolutie van het Israëlisch-Palestijns conflictLuk SANDERS, Security & Strategy 134, February 2018

Countering “Hybrid Threats”: Belgium and the Euro-Atlantic StrategyEstelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 131, October 2017

Russia-EU Relations: An Era of Sanction Policy and International (Dis)order, Maarten TOELEN, Focus Paper 36, January 2017

Invloed van de Arabische Lente op migratie en bescherming van de Europese grenzen, Eddy BOOGHS, Security & Strategy 127, September 2016

Defending Europe: Dual-Use Technologies and Drone Development in the European Union, Raluca CSERNATONI, Focus Paper 35, September 2016

Brexit et défense européenne. DécryptageAndré DUMOULIN, e-Note 20, 8 June 2016

La Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense : propositions institutionnellese de sécurité et de défense : propositions institutionnellesAndré DUMOULIN, Security & Strategy 122/01, May 2016

Scénarios pour la Politique européenne de sécurité et de défense (PSDC)André DUMOULIN, Security & Strategy 122/02, May 2016

Vers une érosion du soutien à la dissuasion nucléaire française ?André DUMOULIN, Focus Paper 31, October 2015

The influx of migrants in Europe. Unravelling the issue, (EnglishDutchFrench), Catheline REMY, e-Note 18, 22 September 2015

Related events:

Maritime Security and Strategy: Türkiye’s ‘Blue Homeland’ Doctrine, Evening conference, 20 June 2024

Securing the Future in the Age of Cyber and Cognitive Warfare, Seminar, 23 May 2024

The German vision on EU-African relations, Evening conference, 25 January 2024

Are the Balkans still a powder keg in the EU’s backyard ? A Kosovar vision, Evening conference, 11 April 2024

Political integration and disintegration of Central Europe: a historical perspective, Evening conference, 25 January 2024

Understanding, anticipating and adapting to climate change: what are the challenges for the armed forces?, Evening conference, 20 December 2023

The future of Defence in and of Europe, Evening conference, 29 November 2023

Mad or Bad? Forensic psychology and the will to go beyond a binary look on radicalisation, Evening conference, 23 November 2023

Lessons Learned from European development projects in Niger, Evening conference, 26 October 2023

Will the EU Rapid Deployment Capacity be operational by 2025?, Evening conference, 4 May 2023

Belgium, Europe and Strategic Autonomy in Space, Evening conference, 16 February 2023

Consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict for the OSCE and for peace and stability in Europe, Evening conference, 19 January 2023

The Gas Equation in the Eastern Mediterranean: Regional Setup and International Ramifications, Evening conference, 27 October 2022

The challenges of Western military capabilities in the light of the Ukraine crisis, Evening conference, 21 September 2022

Six months of war in Ukraine: challenges and consequences for European security, Evening conference, 15 September 2022

China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the security dimension of EU-China connectivity, Evening conference, 27 January 2022

The fight against pandemics: a new strategic priority for European armies?, Evening conference, 16 December 2021

Naval Power and Geostrategic Perspectives: The British Example, Evening conference, 14 October 2021

The EU and the Pandemic: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead, Online evening conference, 17 June 2021

Brexit and European Cooperation, Evening conference, 23 January 2020

The EU, Russia and the changing shape of the Arctic, Evening conference, 12 December 2019

US-China Relations under the Trump Administration: Europe Caught in a Trap?, Evening conference, 19 September 2019

European Defence: the capability issue, Evening conference, 25 April 2019

Russia’s National Security Strategy and Military Doctrine : Implications for the EU and NATO, Evening conference, 21 June 2018