The Balkans’ location on the crossroads of civilisations makes the region one of the most ethnically, linguistically and religiously complex areas of the world. The end of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia heralded a transition process from socialism to market economy and democracy. After the end of the Yugoslav wars, more than a century of warfare gave way to a precarious peace.
The security landscape in the region remains however very unstable. Unresolved conflicts from the past, border disputes and democratic deficits are still a burden. In addition, non-traditional security threats such as organised crime, blackmailing, corruption and trafficking of humans and illegal goods remain pervasive. The impact of these challenges extends far beyond the region. Actors such as the Russian Federation, Türkiye, the US, NATO and the EU all have geostrategic interests at play.
As the broader relations between these stakeholders become ever more tense, it is important to consider how existing threats affect the security of the region. What are the interests at stake for the international community? How should regional cooperation be boosted? And what can be done to bolster state resilience, democracy, the rule of law, public security and peace?
To address these questions, we are pleased to welcome His Excellency Agron Bajrami, Ambassador of the Republic of Kosovo to Belgium. Simon Van Hoeymissen, researcher at the Centre for Security and Defence Studies, will be moderating the debate.
Evening conference
Are the Balkans still a powder keg
in the EU’s backyard ? A Kosovar vision
Conference video
His Excellency Agron Bajrami
Moderator: Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN
Language: English
Simultaneous interpretation in Dutch and French
11 April 2024, 17:00 – 18:30
> 16:30 – Registration
> 17:00 – Conference
> 18:30 – Reception
Campus Renaissance
Rue Hobbema, 8
1000 Brussels