After the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the necessity of being able to quickly relocate military equipment and personnel on a large scale throughout Europe has lost a lot of political attention. However, since 2017, and especially after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, military mobility is again high on the agenda. Today, military mobility amounts to a complex web of interactions and partnerships, requires a whole-of-government and a whole-of-society approach and provides an interesting test case of civil military, public private, international and EU NATO cooperation. While NATO has extensive experience in military mobility, the EU takes its first steps in this field, even though it has facilitated and contributed to making significant progress since 2017. Several dynamics can nevertheless lead to greater politicisation of military mobility issues, hampering cooperation between all actors concerned, both at policy level and during actual transportation.
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e-Note 51
Interinstitutional cooperation
as a driver of improved
military mobility in Europe