The research line “Belgium” is dedicated to the study of Belgium’s security and defence policy. In particular, the CSDS studies the security threats and challenges Belgium is facing and the role of the Belgian Defence in responding to them. In this context, the CSDS pays a particular attention to the different missions of the Belgian Defence, to strategic developments and to the use of defence personnel and capabilities.
Researchers: André DUMOULIN ; Estelle HOORICKX ; Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN
Related publications:
Lessons of Modern Combined Arms Warfare in Ukraine: Coordination, Innovation and Tactical Evolution, Thematic Paper 01, October 2024
La gestion des convictions religieuses et philosophiques au sein de la Défense belge : cadre juridique et recommandations, Focus Paper hors série, September 2024
Can unmanned aerial systems be a“game changer” in modern warfare? Effects and efficacy of unmanned aerial warfare in armed conflicts, Michaela BRCHNELOVÁ, Focus Paper 46, July 2024
Quels enseignements militaires la Belgique peut-elle tirer des observations concernant le conflit en Ukraine ? (French, Dutch), Colonel Vincent MANIET, e-note 61, 20 June 2024
Dual Use and Military Mobility Seminar Report: Fast-tracking Military Mobility, Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN, e-note 57, 26 April 2024
Hervorming van de Reserve: naar een Belgische territoriale home guard?, Luc AUDOORE, , Focus Paper themanummer, Oktober 2023
Belgian Security & Resilience 2040: which societal resources to mobilise ?, Centre for Security and Defence Studies, Focus Paper Special Issue, September 2023
Interinstitutionele samenwerking als aandrijver van een verbeterde militaire mobiliteit in Europa, Simon VAN HOEYMISSEN, e-Note 51, 20 September 2023
Du Service d’utilité collective à la défense totale, André DUMOULIN, e-note 50, 4 September 2023
Les armées face aux changements climatiques : état des lieux et défis à relever pour la Défense belge, Estelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 153, June 2023
La lutte euro-atlantique contre la désinformation : état des lieux et défis à relever pour la Belgique, Estelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 150, October 2021
Parole des militaires belges. Enjeux, limites et opportunités, André DUMOULIN, e-Note 28, 18 October 2019
Entre « déradicalisation » et désengagement : comparatif franco-belge, André DUMOULIN, Security & Strategy 142, May 2019
L’implication de la Belgique dans la cyberstratégie euro-atlantique : état des lieux et défis à relever, Estelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 139, February 2019
Countering “Hybrid Threats”: Belgium and the Euro-Atlantic Strategy, Estelle HOORICKX, Security & Strategy 131, October 2017
Défense citoyenne et citoyens de la Défense : l’armée belge et la nation, André DUMOULIN, Security & Strategy 130, September 2017
Quel cadre légal pour la lutte armée contre l’Etat Islamique ?, Catheline REMY, e-Note 22, 20 September 2016
België gewapend tegen het terrorisme? Een lezing van het fenomeen en zijn bestrijding: strategieën en middele, Lars SCRAEYEN, Security & Strategy 126, September 2016
Hervorming Special Operations Forces: Vijf dimensies voor de voltooiing, Lars SCRAEYEN, e-Note 21, 1st August 2016
Kritieke energie infrastructuur: kadrering en afhankelijkheden, Bart SMEDTS, Security & Strategy 124, May 2016
Van München tot Molenbeek: Operationele veiligheid en de media, Lars SCRAEYEN, e-Note 19, 26 March 2016
Related events:
Belgian Security 2040: which societal resources to mobilise?, Colloquium, 19 & 20 April 2023
Why does Belgium need a Cyber Command?, Evening conference, 2 March 2023
Belgium, Europe and Strategic Autonomy in Space, Evening conference, 16 February 2023
The challenges of Western military capabilities in the light of the Ukraine crisis, Evening conference, 21 September 2022
Extreme right: what are the risks for Belgium?, Evening conference, 19 May 2022
Defence Reconstruction: our priorities!, Evening conference, 27 April 2022
The fight against pandemics: a new strategic priority for European armies?, Evening conference, 16 December 2021
Naval Power and Geostrategic Perspectives: The British Example, Evening conference, 14 October 2021
Belgium’s non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council: which implications for Belgian Defence?, Evening conference, 29 January 2019
France’s universal national service : an example to be followed ?, Evening conference, 29 November 2018
Foreign Terrorist Fighters and Returnees: What can we learn from the US expertise? Evening conference, 17 May 2018
The Eu and Belgium in Africa: policy priorities and engagements, Evening conference, 23 November 2017
Cyber Security and Cyber Defence: Threats, challenges and strategic responses, Colloquium, 24 October 2017
Belgium and the international organisations in the light of experience, Evening conference, 21 September 2017