As a neighbouring continent, with which we are intricately connected by history, economy, politics and culture, Africa is one of our key partners in tackling future global challenges, ranging from climate change and poverty reduction to peace and security. We find ourselves in a global system competition that is also being played out on the African continent. Above all, we must listen to the needs of our African partners and then make the better offer. We are in a joint race with Africa and not in a race for Africa. German and EU Africa policy in the 21st century means making international policy WITH our African partners.
This partnership between Europe and Africa includes economic, environmental and socio-political cooperation. Targeted investments in green infrastructure and education alongside intensified collaboration in security and conflict prevention highlight the importance of African leadership. This approach not only fosters economic development, but also strengthens governance and resilience against instability, creating a foundation for a prosperous and stable partnership.
To address these questions, we are pleased to welcome His Excellency Martin Kotthaus, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Belgium. Alain De Neve, researcher at the Centre for Security and Defence Studies, will be moderating the debate.
Research lines: Europe; Sahel and Sub-Saharan Africa
Source image: © Guido Ritter (Bundeswehr)
Evening conference
The German vision on EU-African relations
The video is not available
His Excellency Martin Kotthaus
Moderator: Alain DE NEVE
Language: English
Simultaneous interpretation in Dutch and French
29 February 2024, 17:00 – 18:30
> 16:30 – Registration
> 17:00 – Conference
> 18:30 – Reception
Campus Renaissance
Rue Hobbema, 8
1000 Brussels