The ‘Non-Arab Muslim World’ research line deals with security, defence and development issues associated with the region stretching from Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) to the Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Chechnya and Dagestan) including the countries of the Near and Middle East (mainly Türkiye and Iran) as well as, by extension, certain countries in South and South-East Asia (Afghanistan, Malaysia and Indonesia). The CSDS is particularly interested in the frozen conflicts in the Caucasus, the role of Iran and Türkiye in their respective spheres of influence, non-state groups and jihadist terrorism, issues linked to religious questions and extremism, maritime passage, energy and nuclear proliferation.
Researcher: Anahita SABOURI

How the Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh has Reshuffled the Cards in the Region
Related publications:
How the Conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh has Reshuffled the Cards in the Region, Anahita SABOURI e-note 64, 10 December 2024
Shielding the Skies: A Comprehensive Look at Operation “True Promise” and the Coalition Defence Effort, Alain DE NEVE, e-note 58, 3 May 2024
Israel in 2021: Boasting six Arab allies, but facing the six armies of Tehran, Didier LEROY, e-Note 35, 13 December 2021
The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is back. What about the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria?, Didier LEROY, e-Note 33, 18 October 2021
De politieke rol van de Turkse strijdkrachten doorheen de geschiedenis, Luk SANDERS, Security & Strategy 143, March 2020
Saoedi-Arabië en Iran Historiek van een koude oorlog, Luk SANDERS, Security & Strategy 137, February 2019
Turkey’s stance. Status quaestionis of an “Islamic ally” within NATO, (English, Dutch, French), Luk SANDERS, e-Note 24, 27 November 2017
Quel cadre légal pour la lutte armée contre l’Etat Islamique ?, Catheline REMY, e-Note 22, 20 September 2016
What to expect after latest IAEA report on Iran? The deal and its consequences (English, Dutch, French), Bart SMEDTS, e-Note 17, 26 February 2015
The last deadline for Iran…and the West? Underlying interests (English, Dutch, French), Bart SMEDTS, e-Note 15, 19 September 2014
Related events:
Navigating Geopolitical Shifts: Azerbaijan’s Role and Related Challenges in the South Caucasus, Evening conference, 3 decembre 2024
Al-Qaeda and Global Jihad: A State of Play Twenty Years after 9/11, Online colloquium, 21 October 2021
Prospects for Peace in War-torn Yemen, Online evening conference, 25 February 2021
40 Years of Islamic Republic: Iran, a State of Play, Evening conference, 28 February 2019
Recent Developments in Turkish Foreign Policy, Evening conference, 11 December 2018
A Cold War in the Middle East ? Crossed views on the power struggle opposing Saudi Arabia and Iran, Evening conference, 22 March 2018